Web Design Tips 'n' Tricks

Web design Tips 'n' Tricks
Learn HTML
TAG's are the Main of HTML to Write it is not an Programme Language..it to Display a content on the page with the format of a Document.. the TAG's are opening [ ] and Closing [], Using Notepad you can create a HTML Page, a HTML page must save in .html extension.
Syntax: first to know the Beginning
To have a title of the page, Displaying the content is to be in the inside of the Body.. Let look at the following example to start a page .
<title>Site Title</title>
Content goes here

Power of CSS CSS : Cascasding Style Sheets It Give a look and feel to your HTML page. CSS are three types : 1) Inilne stylesheer 2) Internal Stylesheets 3) External Stylesheet. Inline Style-sheet: particular for an element tag. using style attribute in Tag <h2 style="font-size:30px;">Hello</h2>
using Font Tag by bounding each Tag
<font face="century gothik" size="40"><h5>Hello</h5></font>

Internal Style-sheet: where common styles are used in entire page.
Styles should be written before closing head tag
<style type="text/css"> p{
   font-family:Century Gothic;
<p>Internal  StyleSheet</p>

External Style-sheet: Where a separate file will be refereed in each html page when a style of tag was change it will reflect the changes in all pages where the tag is used.
styles.css is a file have the styling elements for the pages the styles.css will linked in html pages and the tag style will reflect in all html pages.
body{padding:0; margin:0}

<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

Latest New Improvement in HTML is HTML 5, the current version we are learning and doing on HTML 4 version This new HTML 5 gives a power to web sites with out using images, and form validations with out JavaScript, This HTML 5 is developing by Opera, for Microsoft IE it is still not ready partially supports. With HTML 5 cascading style sheet is also updated to CSS3 current version we are using is CSS 2, CSS 3 is the further to design with less images.

HTML 5 is Symantec coding structure with new TAG's for more refrence and help resource please find the links below
HTML5 Rocks
HTML5 Demos
Check Browser supports HTML5
Doctor for HTML5 Testing

Java Script a Programming language